Tonight's recipe is inspired by my dinner. We had some leftover meat that was supposed to be served as steaks to Teppie's friend from the office yesterday but she said she wasn't a big steak eater so we ended up serving her kimchi noodles. Wow, what a difference huh?

This was my phone conversation with Teppie awhile ago:
Me: So what are we having for dinner? I'm running out of dinner ideas.
Tep: I don't know either. Whatever works. But can we not have steaks for a while? I've kinda had my fill of steaks. Can you believe it?
Me: I'm thinking, since we still have gorgonzola, I can make a gorgonzola cream pasta sauce. I found a good recipe online. What do you think? Then I can make some garlic bread.
Tep: Sounds good. Ok. 
Me: Great. Can you drop by the grocery to pick up some things? I wanna put bacon in the sauce. And can you get some ground meat? So tonight I'll do the pasta, tomorrow bistek, Wednesday lasagna... 
Tep: (cutting me off) Bistek? I think I want bistek instead.
Me: Nyek!

What you're going to need: 

To prepare: a mixing bowl

To cook: a deep frying pan (non-stick preferably)


beef (sliced thinly - I read that sirloin is the best)
1/4c soy sauce 
10pcs calamansi (or less if you're not into calamansi)
1 large white onion (rings)
minced garlic


  1. In the mixing bowl, combine the beef, soy sauce, calamansi. Let sit in the fridge for at least 30mins.
  1. In the sauce pan, heat the oil and fry the onions until they caramelize and become soft. Remove from the pan.
  2. In the same pan, fry the beef until done. Keep the marinade to one side. Remove the beef from the pan afterwards.
  3. Saute the garlic. Once done, add the beef and the marinade. Let it simmer for around 5 mins. If you feel that there is not enough sauce, add a little bit of water. Check that it doesn't dilute the taste of the sauce too much.
  4. Put in a bowl and add the onions. Alternatively, you can add the onions and let the whole thing simmer for a minute or 2 more.
That's it! Can you believe it? Bistek Tagalog in 5 steps. Serve this with hot white rice. Pure heaven. And in my opinion, you don't even need condiments. 

As usual, if you try this recipe, can you let me know how you find it? Thanks!

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