There's nothing like home cooked Pinoy food to make me feel good at the end of a long, stressful day in the office. When I was younger, I was always under the impression that Filipino food was so hard to make. But now that I know how to cook, I know that Filipino food is not difficult at all. 

Pinoy food is actually one of the easiest dishes to cook in the world. For this post, the highlight is on Nilagang Baboy (or Baka). 
What you're going to need:

To cook: medium sized pot

1/4k pork (or beef, if you prefer)
1 medium onion, diced
1 beef cube
potatoes, cubed
petchay/pek chye/cabbage

1. Fill the pot with water (approx 4 cups) and put in the pork/beef, pepper, the diced onion and the beef cube. Nilaga tastes better with a lot of onions and pepper. Bring it to a boil.
2. Once the beef is tender, add in the cubed potatoes and cook until that is tender.
3. After the potatoes have cooked, add the petchay/cabbage. Let boil for 4 more minutes.

Cooking time is approximately 30minutes or more, depending on how tender you want the beef to be.

Tip: Nilaga goes great with patis (fish sauce) with calamansi (lime). When eating it, putting a lot of the stock on your rice then put a spoonful or 2 of the patis. Yummy!

That's it! Let me know how you find this recipe.

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