Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my blog which is all about food (in case you can't gather that from the blog address -_-;). I maintain another blog here and realized a huge chunk of the posts are about food so I decided I need another one just dedicated to my dedication to food. :)

Why the lazy OFW, do you ask? Am I really lazy? Well, I would like to think not but as an OFW (overseas filipino worker), I have come to learn that time is precious. There are just so many things to do that we used to take for granted back when we were at home and had a mom who spoiled us rotten or a maid who helped around the house.

Now, I do everything by myself and when you wake up early to get to work, spend the majority of the day in between meetings and emails, and then get home in the evening, you want to have as much free time as possible to do the things you LOVE (like blogging).

Ok, enough chatter. Come, look around, and enjoy!

I leave you with my very first banner Teppie (my roommate) made especially for me for this blog. :)

1 Response to "Hi All! Nice To Meet You."

  1. gravatar Mrs. B Says:

    yehey! can't wait for the recipes...i may be an ofw soon! hehehe

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